FURIOUS consortium gathers for the first time in Italy

FURIOUS kick-off meeting hosted by the University of Perugia in Terni, Italy. Read more. 

Furious Consortium Meetings

As the project started, the FURIOUS consortium gathered for the first time in Terni, Italy, on the 12 and 13 June 2023, hosted by the University of Perugia. 

Partners were welcomed by Luigi Torre, Head of the Materials Science and Technology Group,  followed by Mónica Pérez-Cabero, Project Officer of the Circular Bio-Based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU), sharing details on the CBE project management. Debora Puglia, FURIOUS project coordinator, introduced the FURIOUS project and its management on behalf of the University of Perugia. KNEIA introduced communication and dissemination activities of the FURIOUS project. 

After this first session, partners had the chance to briefly introduce their core activities and their main tasks in the project. 

The discussion on technical activities continued during day 2, where partners gathered to share their plans for the 48 months of activity of the project. 

The next meeting will be held in Bologna, Italy, from 10 to 11 January 2024.