Scientific laboratory
Underwater drone
Sterilized surgical instruments
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Novel materials to end plastic waste

FURIOUS is a European research project that develops novel versatile polymers based on furan dicarboxylic acid to enrich the portfolio of bio-based plastics. The 4-year project started in June 2023 and receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe multiannual financial framework.

FURIOUS aims to develop new bio-based materials satisfying a set of target properties not addressed by available bioplastics and where traditional plastics are still widely employed: biomedical and electronic packaging, the automotive sector and underwater devices.

Thanks to the top-notch research, FURIOUS will develop different prototypes by the end of the project. Particular attention will be devoted to the implementation of green processes with low environmental impact and to the minimization of production costs.

FURIOUS is a project bringing together 15 partners from 8 EU countries. They represent 7 universities, 1 research and technology organisations, 5 SMEs and 2 large industrial partners. With its expertise, the consortium holds the capabilities to reach the project’s objectives.

Watch the FURIOUS introductory video


FURIOUS pathways towards impact

Explore our targets to substitute fossil-based materials with furan-based plastics.



Are you interested in collaborating?

The FURIOUS project is keen on new collaborations with partners from other EU-funded projects and platforms, both on technological aspects as well as to organise joint activities such as information sharing, events or initiatives that can build on project results. Let’s explore our potential synergies for a cleaner future.



Meet the Partners

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