Best articles on FURIOUS

EUBCE logo furious

The European Biomass Conference & Exhibition (EUBCE) is one of the premier events for showcasing advancements in bio-based technologies. This year, the FURIOUS project had the privilege of presenting at this esteemed conference, highlighting our strides in developing high-performance, sustainable materials.

ZUT university logo

FURIOUS partners meet at ZUT, strategizing for sustainable innovations ahead, for their periodical M12 meeting. Read more. 

Cost action logo

Our project coordinator, the University of Perugia, together with the University of Bologna, presented the FURIOUS project. Read more. 

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As the project advances, partners gather to check the milestones of the project. Discover more.
The FURIOUS video has been published. Check it out!
Mario Milazzo and Norma Mallegni in front of the FURIOUS poster

Hosted by the University of Pisa, the GREENCHEMCO Conference gave FURIOUS researchers the possibility to showcase their work. 

FURIOUS plastics

FURIOUS kick-off meeting hosted by the University of Perugia in Terni, Italy. Read more. 

Furious logo

Get to know the CBE-Funded project FURIOUS.